2008/2/16 10:57 上田城だじょ~ (Ueda-jo castle)

2008/2/16 10:56

2008/2/16 10:55

2008/2/16 10:54

2008/2/15 22:13 足になってくれてた友人の車の走行メーターのゾロ目と行った温泉です。
ココマデかな~ (The same numerics queue up! This is the mileage meter of my friend. He took me to various places in few days. But,is this the finish?)

2008/2/15 21:55 (Gongen-no-yu hot spring)

2008/2/14 17:49 駅舎内とショーケース(萌え)展示品です (Inside Bessho-onsen station,and MOE charactors.)

2008/2/14 17:49

2008/2/14 17:48

2008/2/14 17:48

2008/2/14 17:48 (Mai Yagisawa)

2008/2/14 17:47

2008/2/14 17:46

2008/2/14 17:42 足湯と飲湯と駅と昔と今の電車です。
(I was going to take this train. But, I was able to contact the friend in the local,so I didn't take it.)
2008/2/14 17:41 (This is a present train.)

2008/2/14 17:33

2008/2/14 17:18 (Bessho-onsen station)

2008/2/14 17:17 (This train was made at 1927, and was moving until 1986.)

2008/2/14 17:16 (The old train, used between Bessho-onsen hot spring and Ueda station.)

2008/2/14 17:08 (Hot watar of Jikakudaishi-priest. the watar can be drunk.)

2008/2/14 17:06 (Hot spring for foot.)

2008/2/14 16:59 足湯 入ったは良いが拭く物無いジャナイ (Hot spring for foot. but, I can't wipe my foot...orz )

2008/2/14 16:50 北向観音 別所温泉なり (Kitamuki-kannon god at Bessho-onsen hot spring in Ueda city)
