2008/4/16 9:00 城だじょ~ (Matsumoto castle in Nagano pref.)

2008/3/30 12:56 沼津 (in Numadu.Shizuoka pref.)

2008/3/23 19:00 直江津に居る訳デワありません~ (in Naoetsu.Niigata pref.)

2008/3/23 16:43 るれ?るれ? (in Nagaoka.Niigata pref.)

2008/3/21 23:53 夜の善光寺 (Zenkoji in the night.Nagano pref.)

2008/3/21 23:51 やっぱり夜も。賽銭箱。月夜の晩で建物綺麗に見えるのに残念ながらナイトモードでも写らず。

2008/3/21 22:35 ナギャーの… 善光寺はまた今度(At nagano. I will go to Zenkoji in the next chance.)

2008/3/19 22:27 ウナギは明日食うよ食うよウナギは明日(I will be going to eat an eel tomorrow.)

2008/3/2 19:29 思い出の場所が消え(My favorite shop closed the store.)
(The buckwheat shop was a shop that was able to drink sake cheaply, and was able to sit though it was the station premises.
The shop also was cheap, and had a lot of habitues because he or she was delicious. I was also intimate with clerk's woman.
Because it was possible to return without going out of the examination of tickets because it was within the enclosure of the station, it did not cost the train fee.
Nevertheless, the liquor traffic was stopped by the railroad company because of the disorder of the discipline of the station.
Afterwards, I went to the shops to eat only the buckwheat several times. However, I regretted that business hours of the shop had shortened.
It went at the working hours of an intimate clerk, and the raw egg had been served by chance.
I am regrettable though it was heard that it was stopped that the shop sells sake, and sales had decreased sharply.)

"This shop closed the store at 3 Feb. Thank you"

2008/2/29 20:59 焼き鳥で酒呑ます肉屋と駄菓子で酒呑ます酒屋 (Liquor store who has beer drunk with cheap sweets)

2008/2/29 20:34 (Butcher who has beer drunk with yakitori)
